Monday, February 20, 2012


Just came back from swim ,feel so fresh now =) Decision to swim was right after a hectic Monday,i really will have monday blue for this semester. 830am class to 3pm. Wake up super early and JAM.
My first own cook dinner after move in to new room for 1 week ++. 
搬进来shang villa condo 快两个星期了,我一直以为自己很独立,很可以,但是搬进来的第一天,我真的觉得自己很无能。习惯了凡事都有人帮忙,从买家具到整理房间,亲力亲为。
咬紧牙根过了两个晚上,也不知道是什么力量可以撑下去,终于我学会把泪水化为汗水。 从吃饼干到煮罐头到今天小下厨,在我打破了一个碗又差一点炸了饭锅,终于可以吃了。
从来没有这么打从心里珍惜家常便饭,以前只是嘴上说说appreciate family,自己真正出来生活了之后,才真的珍惜。我想我会慢慢习惯自己独立的过生活=] 偶尔的清静偶尔的朋友聚会,会让我过更好的生活。

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This is one of my favourite picture when i view back all our photos since we been together. 
Yes, we break. Officially,peacefully.
39 months is a long period for us,enough for us to see each other grow and know each other well. He is already a part of my life, our circle,our friends. Many people shocked when decision been done. Great guy he was,great boyf , give me everything i wanted and i truly appreciate that i have him in my life,no matter past or future. We been through a lot, we appreciate each other, we love each other deeply, this is part of our life isn't it ? No one knows what will happen in the future but i know clearly what i wanna ,i just want us to be happier. Best wishes,soon. Happy Valentine's Day ,all .